District Governor Brianna Scott
Did You Know?
Our District 6290 is part of the much larger Zone 28 that covers most of Canada, most of Alaska, and parts of Washington, Michigan, New York and Maine.Here's how we fit in.
Vision Facilitation
The Ada-Cascade Rotary Club kicked off 2025 by holding an innovative Visioning event. 
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       -by Chris Etienne, 2024-2026
        Rotary International Director
Be sure to read this newsletter from Chris for valuable info.
Our District partners with 
HANWASH to provide safe, sustainable, and affordable water and sanitation to all the citizens of Haiti, along with the associated health, community and economic benefits. We are laser focused on drilling a well soon in Lagon, Terre-Neuve, Haiti.
Please help our Rotary district and HANWASH provide potable water to Terre-Neuve, Haiti.
If you need to take the Grant Manager Seminar (GMS) Quiz, the link is on the menu and also provided here.
There is a great article about Rotary Youth Exchange, featuring five Traverse City students, in the Fall issue of Baylife Magazine - 12 pages of color photos and information about tEvents he students in their host countries.
Go to Baylife online page 34 for the article.
Allendale Rotary Club is modest in size but mighty in deed, indeed. Check out its phenomenal participation in the African Library Project!
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Our Muskegon and Grand Rapids Clubs Collaborate
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