In the promotion of understanding,
it is important to reach large numbers -
non-Rotarians as well as Rotarians -
and you cannot reach large numbers privately.

                                                                    - Paul Harris, founder of Rotary 


Your District 6290 Public Image Committee

Rotarian's have an interesting habit . . . they do amazing things but tend to forget to let others know.
In general, the goal of a Rotary Public Image Committee is to enhance the public’s image of Rotary and its awareness of our service and activities. Here at District 6290, one of our primary goals is to help your clubs tell their stories. Many resources are listed at left. For quick reference to key items, see the table below:


Public Image Resources

Get a quick refresh of Rotary branding
Enhance your club website
Contact District 6290 Public Image Chair Terry Miller for a site evaluation and plan of attack.
(231) 499-9445
Improve your club Facebook page
Contact District 6290 Public Image Chair Terry Miller for a site evaluation and plan of attack.
(231) 499-9445
Create and implement a Public Image Plan

Has your club or one of your members done amazing things? Want to improve?

Contact Kathy at the District Office
(Our regional public image resource: )