What is Vision Facilitation?
Vision Facilitation is a process in which District-level Facilitation Teams support local Rotary Clubs as they envision their future and develop plans to put those goals into action. It is an engaging process which involves club leaders and members in visioning and developing 3-year goals. Club Visioning events take place over a 4-hour session, typically 5 – 9 pm on a weeknight, or on a Saturday 9 am – 1 pm. During the event, a team of District facilitators lead a highly interactive process with club members sharing their ideas for the future, two rounds of voting to identify top goals, and developing initial plans to put the goals into action. You can learn more about Vision Facilitation at www.rivisionfacilitation.org.
Impact of Vision Facilitation
Research by the International Vision Facilitation Council indicates that Rotary Clubs that have participated in Vision Facilitation are:
  • 4 times more likely to have increased their membership;
  • 5-10 times more likely to have been recognized by their District for achieving District goals; and
  • 2-3 times more likely to have increased their giving to The Rotary Foundation.

To Schedule a Visioning Event for Your Club
If you have questions or are interested in scheduling a Visioning event for your club, contact D6290’s Vision Facilitation Chair, Julie Schumaker at julieRI6290@gmail.com